Deborah DelCastilloSojourn Woman
by Deborah DelCastillo
She came to me from a
Turbulent sea
Along with her vessel
And her sisters three.
A Crown of Coral
Upon her head
Filled with golden
Then spoke of lessons
Learned and how
Things appeared to be.
Choose your path
She said to me
Out of the storm
Comes a calming sea.
You have grown
Change is healthy
It can set you free!
When I opened my eyes
I could see this sister
Was me.
by Deborah DelCastillo
She came to me from a
Turbulent sea
Along with her vessel
And her sisters three.
A Crown of Coral
Upon her head
Filled with golden
Then spoke of lessons
Learned and how
Things appeared to be.
Choose your path
She said to me
Out of the storm
Comes a calming sea.
You have grown
Change is healthy
It can set you free!
When I opened my eyes
I could see this sister
Was me.